I’m integrating the weathermap code into Observium, since so many people seem to have issues making it work, and it doesn’t look like the WM code is ever really going to change again. The original author re-licensed it as MIT, so we can include it without issues now.


I’ve switched it to pulling configuration from the database, but in the process broken the “include” feature. I assume almost no one uses it, but just checking.





From: Michael <obslist@smarsz.com>
Sent: 10 December 2020 07:38
To: Observium <observium@observium.org>
Cc: Adam Armstrong <adama@observium.org>
Subject: Re: [Observium] PHP Weathermap




I just create a new conf file for each map that I make. I'm not aware of another way to do it. I think the global directives can only be declared once (such as output filename, map title etc).


I usually end up copying the same base globals for most of the maps and just re-using them. Provides a bit of consistency across them for the next sucker that needs to try and figure it out when I've moved on...


I sometimes go through this thread looking for inspiration of new and intersting ways to try and display things - https://forums.cacti.net/viewtopic.php?t=24433. I've recreated the magnifying glass idea before, which comes in really handy when you have bonds/port-channels and you want to see both the individual interfaces along with the cumulative load.


Was there something that you were specifically after Adam??? It's not often that you post a question out to the list!  :D









On 10 Dec 2020, at 6:15 pm, Adam Armstrong via observium <observium@observium.org> wrote:


Is this all contained within a single conf file?


Sent from BlueMail

On 9 Dec 2020, at 20:48, Michael <obslist@smarsz.com> wrote:

I wouldn't say we've got many complex weathermaps. At my former employer, we had developed a few of them into more complex ones (with a network focus, not a device/server focus).


I've extracted an example of what I'm doing with templates and included it below.


I change the text on the hovergraph to present the device and interface info, plus I flip the graph rrd to be the one relevant to that interface (so yes, the in/out flip based on which end of the link you are looking at). We also track IP SLA metrics on the weathermap with a narrow link that runs next to the data link. We apply different scales for local (within a datacentre), interstate and cross-country so that the relevant changes in latency can be correspondingly coloured.


It might give people some ideas. I'll see if I can dig up some sanitised versions out of my former workplace...








       ICON 130 60 round
       TARGET gauge:../../rrd/{node:this:label}/status.rrd:status:-
       INFOURL  https://observium/device/device={node:this:label}

       ARROWSTYLE compact
       BWLABEL bits
       BANDWIDTH 100G
       BWLABELPOS 70 30
       COMMENTSTYLE center
       COMMENTFONTCOLOR contrast
       INOVERLIBGRAPH /graph.php?height=100&width=512&id={link:this:b_graph_id}&type=port_bits&legend=no&from=-21600
       OUTOVERLIBGRAPH /graph.php?height=100&width=512&id={link:this:a_graph_id}&type=port_bits&legend=no&from=-21600
       ININFOURL /graphs/type=port_bits/id={link:this:b_graph_id}/
       OUTINFOURL /graphs/type=port_bits/id={link:this:a_graph_id}/
       TARGET ../../rrd/{link:this:a_end}/{link:this:a_rrd}:INOCTETS:OUTOCTETS
       INOVERLIBCAPTION {link:this:b_end} {link:this:b_int}
       OUTOVERLIBCAPTION {link:this:a_end} {link:this:a_int}

       WIDTH 2
       BANDWIDTH 100G
       BWLABELPOS 60 40
       OVERLIBGRAPH /graph.php?height=100&width=512&id={link:this:sla_id}&type=sla_echo&legend=no&from=-21600
       INFOURL /graphs/type=sla_echo/id={link:this:sla_id}/
       TARGET gauge:../../rrd/{link:this:a_end}/{link:this:a_rrd}:rtt:- gauge:../../rrd/{link:this:b_end}/{link:this:b_rrd}:-:rtt
       INOVERLIBCAPTION {link:this:b_end} {link:this:b_int}
       OUTOVERLIBCAPTION {link:this:a_end} {link:this:a_int}
       USESCALE LOCAL absolute

####         NODES          ####
NODE hy_myrouter
       LABEL myrouter
       POSITION hy_otherrouter 240 0

####     DIRECT LINKS       ####
NK data_hy_otherrouter_myrouter
       SET a_graph_id 3877
       SET a_end myrouter
       SET a_int Hu0/0/2/0
       SET a_rrd port-122.rrd
       SET b_graph_id 3778
       SET b_end myrouter
       SET b_int Hu0/0/2/0
       SET b_rrd port-98.rrd
       NODES hy_otherrouter:60:0 hy_myrouter:-60:0

####       SLA LINKS        ####
LINK sla_hy_otherrouter_hy_myrouter
       SET sla_id 82
       SET a_end otherrouter
       SET a_int Hu0/0/2/0
       SET a_rrd sla-cisco-rttmon-mib-2.rrd
       SET b_end myrouter
       SET b_int Hu0/0/2/0
       SET b_rrd sla-cisco-rttmon-mib-1.rrd
       NODES hy_otherrouter:60:-5 hy_myrouter:-60:-5




On 10 Dec 2020, at 4:49 am, Adam Armstrong via observium < observium@observium.org> wrote:


Hi Guys,



For those of you using PHP Weathermap, how many of you are using template/include features?



How complex after the weathermaps you’re making?







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