I have the following problem.


On a freshly installed Debian11 system I get the following error message.


It doesn't matter whether I do the installation via script or manually.


#### ERROR ####

root@netservice:/opt/observium# ./discovery.php -u

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught mysqli_sql_exception: Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist in /opt/observium/includes/db/mysqli.inc.php:315

Stack trace:

#0 /opt/observium/includes/db/mysqli.inc.php(315): mysqli_query()

#1 /opt/observium/includes/db.inc.php(224): dbCallQuery()

#2 /opt/observium/includes/db/mysqli.inc.php(426): dbQuery()

#3 /opt/observium/includes/common.inc.php(170): dbFetchRow()

#4 /opt/observium/includes/sql-config.inc.php(100): get_obs_attrib()

#5 /opt/observium/discovery.php(19): include('...')

#6 {main}

  thrown in /opt/observium/includes/db/mysqli.inc.php on line 315




what am I doing wrong?


I knit according to the instructions.