I’m not sure what crap you get off a AF24 (did you update the firmware?), but with the MIB snmpwalk just about everything anyone would need is there.
http://www.ubnt.com/downloads/firmwares/airfiber/v2.0/UBNT-MIB.txt http://www.ubnt.com/downloads/firmwares/airfiber/v2.0/UBNT-MIB.txt
radioEnable radioLinkMode radioDuplex txFrequency rxFrequency regDomain gpsSync txPower rxGain maxTxModRate modRateControl ethDPortLinkSpeed linkName encryptKey ethFlowControl ethMcastFilter ethTrackRFLink ethLinkOffDuration ethLinkOffSpacing txFrequency1 rxFrequency1 txFrequency2 rxFrequency2 txFrequency3 rxFrequency3 channelWidth airFiberStatusIndex curTXModRate radioLinkDistFt radioLinkDistM rxCapacity txCapacity radio0TempC radio0TempF radio1TempC radio1TempF rxPower0 rxPower0Valid rxOverload0 rxPower1 rxPower1Valid rxOverload1 remoteTXPower remoteTXModRate remoteRXPower0 remoteRXPower0Valid remoteRXPower0Overload remoteRXPower1 remoteRXPower1Valid remoteRXPower1Overload countryCode radioLinkState ethDataPortState gpsPulse gpsFix gpsLat gpsLong gpsAltMeters gpsAltFeet gpsSatsVisible gpsSatsTracked gpsHDOP dfsState upTime dateTime fwVersion remoteRXGain radioLinkInfo ethDataPortInfo linkUpTime remoteMAC remoteIP dfsDetections dfsDomain dfsStateTxFreq1 dfsStateTxFreq2 dfsStateTxFreq3 dfsTimerTxFreq1 dfsTimerTxFreq2 dfsTimerTxFreq3 txFramesOK rxFramesOK rxFrameCrcErr rxAlignErr txOctetsOK rxOctetsOK txPauseFrames rxPauseFrames rxErroredFrames txErroredFrames rxValidUnicastFrames rxValidMulticastFrames rxValidBroadcastFrames txValidUnicastFrames txValidMulticastFrames txValidBroadcastFrames rxDroppedMacErrFrames rxTotalOctets rxTotalFrames rxLess64ByteFrames rxOverLengthFrames rx64BytePackets rx65-127BytePackets rx128-255BytePackets rx256-511BytePackets rx512-1023BytePackets rx1024-1518BytesPackets rx1519PlusBytePackets rxTooLongFrameCrcErr rxTooShortFrameCrcErr txqosoct0 txqosoct1 txqosoct2 txqosoct3 txqosoct4 txqosoct5 txqosoct6 txqosoct7 txqospkt0 txqospkt1 txqospkt2 txqospkt3 txqospkt4 txqospkt5 txqospkt6 txqospkt7 rxqosoct0 rxqosoct1 rxqosoct2 rxqosoct3 rxqosoct4 rxqosoct5 rxqosoct6 rxqosoct7 rxqospkt0
On Dec 26, 2014, at 2:39 PM, Ron Marosko, Jr. ron@rjr-services.com wrote:
Until UBNT give us a better SNMP stack on the AF24s, I think we're hosed. Just walking an AF24 vs a NSM, we get crap off the AF24.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
John Brown john@citylinkfiber.com wrote:
I'm looking for help to improve the support of Ubiquiti microwave radio support in Observium.
Mainly focused on the AirFiber 24 and AirFiber 5 products, along with the Rocket series.
Would need the ability to alarm on RF Signal level changes (out side of acceptable range, etc). Same with receive Ether CRC on the radio's ether interface.
Anyone interested in helping. There would some $$ avail.
observium mailing list observium@observium.org http://postman.memetic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/observium