
Just sharing experience using Observium and Juniper EX / MX equipments.

I exchanged with Adam and Juniper tac about some issues on some EX4550 having CPU at 100% with no result in solving the issue with a log of tweak in Observium / Junos .

I changed the server 3 days ago, faster stronger better :) And voila , CPU dropped on all devices, with the same config.php !

The previous one was not a small server ( aka VM ) but the vm was not as strong as this one. I only had the issue with Juniper equipment not with cisco / Arista .

So if you are facing the same issue ( and I exchanged with a few of you ) , you know what to do :)

PS : I still have some EX4550 deleting interfaces from time to time, but I will open another thread !