After digging through php code, it looks like i have to manually edit, rather than passing the addhost.php script arguments - Is this normal?

On 20 May 2013 12:19, Jacob Gardiner <> wrote:
I've got a juniper device i'm trying to add using snmpv3 but running into some issues when running the ./addhost.php script. 

I can poll the device from observium using snmpget/walk and can confirm that there's no firewalls or bad config on the router. 

(replaced hostname, community and password and aes below)

# snmpget -v3 -u gops -A COMMUNITY -l authPriv -X PASS -x AES -a SHA sysDescr.0
SNMPv2-MIB::sysDescr.0 = STRING: Juniper Networks, Inc. jsr4350 internet router, kernel JUNOS 10.1R2.8 #0: 2010-05-11 03:31:06 UTC Build date: 2010-05-11 03:18:36 UTC Copyright (c) 1996- 

Then, when running ./addhost.php:

# ./addhost.php COMMUNITY v3 gops PASS PASS sha aes 161 udp
Trying v3 parameters observium/noAuthNoPriv ...
No reply on credentials observium/noAuthNoPriv using v3
Could not reach with given SNMP community using v3

Observium v0.13.5.4015 Add Host Tool

Jacob Gardiner

Jacob Gardiner