I'm fairly sure nothing has changed in the rancid code for a long time!
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On 3 Jun 2016, 13:59, at 13:59, Andy Lemin andy@brandwatch.com wrote:
Hopefully this will be a simple question and I've just misconfigured something, anyway..
We have rancid working great before, and when you go to the Config tab, it showed you the latest configuration, as well as the configuration revision history.
However after upgrading the server to Jessie (probably unrelated but seemed to break a couple weeks around this time), we now only see the latest config only and not the history anymore?
We have these settings;
$config['rancid_configs'][] = "/var/lib/rancid/observium/configs/";
$config['rancid_ignorecomments'] = 0;
And we have done this; http://www.observium.org/docs/rancid/
It all works, just only shows the most recent?
We need to roll some config back and couldn't..
Cheers, Andy.
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