The FAQ's and Configuration state that I can display graphs without requiring a username or password.
This is great... but... here's the question

I've made the appropriate modifications to config.php, however, what URL do I use to get to the public graphs?
I tried looking at the URL of generated images, however, that doesn't seem to be correct.

So you can understand my goal:

I run a colocation company and require my customers to be able to review their bandwidth statistics.
I utilize WHMCS and would like them to be able to view their graphs within their portal, thus, I've added the IP address of my WHMCS server as an 'authenticated' IP in config.php
I'm thinking, once I can understand how to display the graphs, that I can use the port id as a variable to develop a custom module to display the graphs.

So my questions are:

After permitting an IP address to be able to view graphs without username/password, what is the syntax of the URL for displaying these graphs?
It would be awesome to be able to integrate a custom range selection, but I'd really just settle for static generation of past 24 hours, past month, and past year.