There is no community indexing for the vrf MIBs as far as I have seen.
It's quite common for Cisco to not bother implementing what they consider to be service provider MIBs on enterprise hardware.
This is probably something you need to direct to Cisco.
Note that we currently consider the vrf tracking in Observium to be broken and unusable.
Rob VanHooren wrote:
it appears that (non-global) VRFs (esp. wrt. RIB OIDs) somehow are seen by OBS only in my ASR 1ks and horde of c3750x.
comparing with a handful of v6.1 Nexii 7k (and their vdc's), along with some archaic-but-still-v15 c3560s, the returned set is null.
q1) need for the ugliness of snmp context mapping per vrf? q2) if so, is OBS prepared to iterate over the multiple communities per device?
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