I'm not sure what you mean, the apps system has been long mostly abandoned. I'm not sure why you wouldn't have the global apps menu oO
can you see the page /apps/ ?
adam. On 15/09/2015 23:39:15, Michael observium@smarsz.com wrote: Somebody did... we used to have them back before the great fork of 2013. Once we eventually got onto the PE, we lost them. :(
Now our apps are only visible per-host. I notice that the demo site still has them though (using different apps).
We used to be able to dashboard all of our authoritative nameservers and our proxy traffic (with the proxySG modules), but can't anymore.
On 16 September 2015 7:15:56 AM AEST, Adam Armstrong wrote:
We never moved those :)
adam. On 15/09/2015 22:03:09, Michael wrote: I think Ron is talking about the ability to have groups of servers running the same app (bind etc) and presenting all of those same apps on the one page.
Like the old apps used to do (before you moved them onto the device graphs tab).
If so, I second bringing that ability back (even if optional via config flag)
On 16 September 2015 6:46:25 AM AEST, Adam Armstrong wrote:
Hi Ron,
We don't currently have per-user permissions for applications, but
probably not /that/ difficult to add.
Sent with AquaMail for Android http://www.aqua-mail.com
On 15 September 2015 7:42:52 pm Ron Culler
I'm looking to see if the ability exists to create a group with only
specific set of graphs based on an App. Then be able to assign that
to a user to view
Ron Culler
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