I'm running the Cisco freemium version of the Nexus 1000v virtual switch on my ESXi 4.1 boxen, mainly because I needed LACP uplink capability, which was not available in the vSwitch. Then I discovered that you can get SNMP stats on a per-vEthernet port (meaning per host!) from the 1000v. Sweet!The poller takes a bit longer to run on the 1000v, just like it does on all other Nexus products, but well worth having the information. And yes, you can set up traffic accounting based on the polled information....RonSent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE DROID
Xavier Beaudouin <xavier.beaudouin@hsoftware.com> wrote:
> Are there any plans to include billing per VM host in Observium?. I currently
> have Vmware ESXi hosts and I would like to be able to bill traffic per VM
> machine.
> All VM hosts are under VDS switch but observium doesn’t recognise separate
> ports.
I really think the best way to do that is add a snmpd daemon on these hosts...
Or use somewhat virtual switch from cisco... (didn't tested this solution btw)
Xavier Beaudouin - Senior Network and System Administrator
Infrastructure and network director
Horizon Software - http://www.hsoftware.com/
13 rue La Fayette - 75009 PARIS - France
Phone: +33 (0)1 4260 9490 Fax: +33 (0)1 44 56 97 01
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