Hi Robbie ,

I also agree with you, we also have a group of devices / parameters which we love to poll less than 5 minute interval and hence still use some other monitoring tools to achieve that.
We came across Observium, while we were looking at alternatives for Cacti / MRTG and really impressed with observium the way it does discovery and presenting.

Before implementing the observium, we had two major concerns about the tool like yours, i.e., this 5 minute polling interval and the use of DNS for the devices.
but however after implementing, it was realized that the 5 minute interval is really reasonable figure considering the load it has to handle with the current architecture.
( with so many parameters per device and so many such devices to handle )

Anyway our dream of lesser varied polling interval still remains, and hope for the best for future observium developments :-)


On 01/28/2014 09:15 PM, Robbie Wright wrote:
Supun, this is very interesting. The alerts (which are getting much, much better) and 5 minute polling intervals are what's holding us back from fully implementing this, even though we've already subscribed. I'm not a programmer by any strech, but nearly every other monitoring solution we've used (SolarWinds, PRTG, Cacti, Nagios) can support 30 second or minute polling times. We'd love to ping only critical networking devices in 30 seconds or one minute, snmp query for interface util every minute or two for critical and keep non-critical at 5. But maybe that's just us thinking that.

Robbie Wright
Siuslaw Broadband

**For support issues, please email support@siuslawbroadband.com.**

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 6:04 AM, Supun Rathnayake <supunr@lankacom.net> wrote:
Hi All,

This may be not be directly related to this exact requirement, but might be helpful.

We had a slightly different requirement, i.e., to check whether every device is live or not ( in terms of ping reachability )
at a shorter interval than 5 minutes of observium's normal polling cycle.

Hence we developed the following script ( in fact customized the script found under the "attic" directory of the observium distribution. )
and is  separately being executed as a cron job like the other poller observium scripts but at one minute interval and it will just update observium database about the device status.

We also set the refresh interval of the front page to 60 seconds ( default 500 seconds ) so that we get alerts ( alert boxes ) on the
front panel ( this can be simply extended to other alert mechanisms )

The normal observium polling does the full snmp parameter discorvery/polling in the normal way and populate the database as it is at the normal 5 minute interval and we did not change or touch any of those scripts and we are happy with 5 minute interval for other parameters checking.

But for your requirement, in addition to this you might also need to find a way to add devices to the observium without snmp :-)


*/1 *   * * *     root    /opt/observium/poll-reachability.php >> /dev/null 2>&1


#!/usr/bin/env php



$device_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE  disabled = '0' ORDER BY `device_id` DESC");

if (!$device_query) {
    die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());

while ($device = mysql_fetch_assoc($device_query))
  $port = $device['port'];

  echo($device['hostname']. " ");

  if (isPingable($device['hostname']))
  } else {

  if ($status != $device['status'])
    mysql_query("UPDATE `devices` SET `status`= '$status' WHERE `device_id` = '" . $device['device_id'] . "'");

    if ($status == '1')
      $stat = "Up";
      mysql_query("INSERT INTO alerts (importance, device_id, message) VALUES ('0', '" . $device['device_id'] . "', 'Device is up\n')");
      if ($config['alerts']['email']['enable'])
        notify($device, "Device Up: " . $device['hostname'], "Device Up: " . $device['hostname']);
    } else {
      $stat = "Down (ping)";
      mysql_query("INSERT INTO alerts (importance, device_id, message) VALUES ('9', '" . $device['device_id'] . "', 'Device is down\n')");
      if ($config['alerts']['email']['enable'])
        notify($device, "Device Down: " . $device['hostname'], "Device Down: " . $device['hostname']);

    log_event("Device status changed to $stat ", $device, strtolower($stat));
    echo("Status Changed!\n");



With Best Regards,

Supun Rathnayake

Lanka communication Services (Pvt) Ltd.
65C, Dharmapala Mawatha,
Colombo 07.
Sri Lanka.
Tel: +94-11-2437545
On 01/28/2014 05:44 PM, BERTRAND Adrien [BPCE Assurances] wrote:

Hum okay !

I’ll search something else or dev a little script :-)




Adrien Bertrand – Information Security Administrator

BPCE Assurances, 88 av de France 75013 Paris



De : observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] De la part de Tom Laermans
Envoyé : mardi 28 janvier 2014 12:38
À : Observium Network Observation System
Objet : Re: [Observium] New kind of device


Hi Adrien,

Support for non-SNMP devices is currently not planned.


On 01/28/2014 10:40 AM, BERTRAND Adrien [BPCE Assurances] wrote:

Hi all !


I know that I ask about a lot of functionalities … but you like me for that :-)

So I’ll to be as clear as possible (and as “English” as possible …).


Is it possible to add a new kind of device that is only polled with ping ? The primary goal is to know when distant server (hosted by partners) aren’t reachable without asking to have access to their snmp daemon and community …

I imagine that it can be a huge work because it needs to bypass a lot of code but you could have think about it … ? To be simple for everyone, this kind of device can be a new sort of server but without any snmp information (no device panel / no ports panel, etc…) and just be polled by the ping. And when a hosts is down the alerter send a mail / trap and the index.php put an information box to warn on “device down” like any others hosts.




Adrien Bertrand – Information Security Administrator

BPCE Assurances, 88 av de France 75013 Paris


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