Having an an issue with observium pro showing less stuff and stuff looking broken after updating the firmware a couple of versions on Eaton Network Card-MS.

The interface names look wrong and seeing stuff such as:

Output Source Status deleted: xupsOutputSource xupsOutputSource.3.3 Output Source
Battery Status Status deleted: xupsBatteryAbmStatus xupsBatteryAbmStatus.3.3 Battery Status
Inverter Off Status Alert: ups1.lndo.kambi.com Inverter Off entered ALERT state: No (previous: Yes)

According to the changelog there has been a mib change but I'm not sure when that happened.
Changelog of the firmware: http://pqlit.eaton.com/ll_download_bylitcode.asp?doc_id=34077

All firmwares http://powerquality.eaton.com/Support/Software-Drivers/Downloads/connectivity-firmware.asp
