Please note that the FreeBSD install is not supported, and probably hasn't had its instructions updated for a long time.
You're almost certainly missing the PHP module that provides simplexml. You're pretty much on your own on how to install it, though. It's default on Ubuntu/Debian, our development platform.
Running Observium on something untypical as FreeBSD will mean you'll almost certainly hit other random problems in the future. We very strongly recommend you run it on Ubuntu/Debian, or at the very least CentOS 6.
On 22/05/2012 20:18, Mike Hyde wrote:
I have done a new install on a Freebsd box using the instructions here:
I have everything installed, but when I go to the webpage I run into this:
*Fatal error*: Call to undefined function simplexml_load_string() in */usr/local/share/observium/includes/* on line *1144*
I do show the extension installed in php.
Any ideas what to check? No errors show up in the logs.
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