
I would like to cleanup observium, please see below that my largest directories are the logs (1.6 GB) and the rrd (17 GB). I tried cleaning up the logs by running ./housekeeping -sel BUT the size of the logs did not change - nonetheless, the devices with years of logs suddenly have days of logs (since I specified logs should be no older than 30 days). My concern is that I did the cleanup to reduce disk space, but immediately after I saw an increase in disk space, moreover, the space occupied in the log file directory did not change. Is it that observium housekeeping only targets space in the database, I ask because the query hanged for over 30 min doing nothing until I uses the -d (debug) flag and I noticed it was doing an sql query.
How do I cleanup the logs directory? do I delete/truncate logs such as observium.log and access.log?
What about the rrd directory, if I remove some of the rrds do I loose graphs (like record duration?

LAB01:/opt/observium# du -h /opt/observium/ --max-depth=1 | sort -h
20K        /opt/observium/templates
52K         /opt/observium/probes
472K /opt/observium/attic
512K /opt/observium/scripts
1.3M /opt/observium/tests
1.8M /opt/observium/update
3.2M /opt/observium/libs
8.7M /opt/observium/includes
26M         /opt/observium/html
630M /opt/observium/mibs
799M /opt/observium/.svn
2.3G /opt/observium/logs
17G   /opt/observium/rrd
21G         /opt/observium/

LAB01:/opt/observium# du -h /opt/observium/logs/* --max-depth=1 | sort -h
4.0K  /opt/observium/logs/debug.log
12K         /opt/observium/logs/cleanup.log
384K /opt/observium/logs/error_log
712K /opt/observium/logs/update-errors.log
1.3M /opt/observium/logs/housekeeping.log
20M  /opt/observium/logs/db.log
707M /opt/observium/logs/access_log
1.6G /opt/observium/logs/observium.log

