Yah, that trouble was already fixed in latest revision (at 1 Feb 2:28am)..

I apologize to everyone who was met this error.
But it was not critical. :)

Niklas Larsson via observium wrote on 31.01.2020 14:00:

Seams like the two last lines should not be commited - I removed them now and will se what happens. (line 454 and 455 in includes/polling/system.inc.php)

+// Check if both (sysObjectID and sysDescr) changed, force full device rediscovery
+if (!$force_discovery && // Check if not already forced
+    isset($update_array['sysObjectID']) && isset($update_array['sysDescr']) &&
+    strlen($poll_device['sysObjectID']) && strlen($device['sysObjectID']) &&
+    strlen($poll_device['sysDescr']) && strlen($device['sysDescr']))
+  log_event('sysObjectID and sysDescr changed: seems the device was replaced. The device will be rediscovered.', $device, 'device', $device['device_id'], 4);
+  force_discovery($device);
+log_event('snmpEngineID changed: '.$device['snmpEngineID'].' -> '.$poll_device['snmpEngineID'].' (probably the device was replaced). The device will be rediscovered.', $device, 'device', $device['device_id'], 4);

On 2020-01-31 11:52, Niklas Larsson via observium wrote:
Just to say it happens here as well.

On 2020-01-31 11:46, Tomasz Karczewski via observium wrote:



From the last update i see many logs  like „snmpEngineID changed: -> (probably the device was replaced). The device will be rediscovered”

I rediscoverd manually all devices but i still see these logs.


Tomasz Karczewski

Administrator Sieci




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