Hi All

We see alot of jabber on the Overview page that is not really necessary and makes it hard too differ important information from trivial information.

We would like too be able too Acknowledge items in the Overview so that it is not spammed with ports that are down for known reasons.
Perhaps you could comment on the Ack and/or mark with a category (maintenance, power outage etc etc).

Additionally I think that keywords in descriptions could generate different results in the overview (like ports are aggregated but for states). 
So that ports that are marked for installation and waiting for link should be hidden when down and shown green when up so that the provisioning team notices this and can take action.

I see somewhere you can define a regexp that will look at the interface description and when true would inverse the up/down relationship.

Also, bug, when the uptime counter loops on IOS devices they are marked as reloaded.

Med Vänliga Hälsningar - Best Regards

Mattias Gyllenvarg
Bredband2 - bara hårda paket

Tel: +46 406219712