I'm new to Observium and coming from Zenoss I have to say I love the simplicity and completeness of all the information available.
I'm just stuck on one issue. I've added the hosts I want to monitor to the /etc/hosts file and have successfully added a few hosts manually. I've been reading through the wiki and looking through google and can't seem to find a way to bulk import hosts.
I tried to script it in the following way (please don't hurt me I'm not much of a coder)
for file in `cat routerdt1`; do ./addhost.php "$file" mycomm v2c; done
But keep getting: Could not resolve i504562
i504562 being one of the hosts in the list routerdt1. If I run the addhost.php script manually it works.
./addhost.php i504562 mycomm v2c
Trying community mycomm ...
Discovering i545973 (42)i545973 42 ios (cisco)
(etc etc)
The file routerdt1 is in the format:
I553476 I553500 I553364 I553173 I553274 I542788 I554040 I554398 I554488
Is there a way to take my list and add them into Observium? Am I missing something where there could be an auto add function?
Thanks for your help on this, looking forward to using this product more.