The old alerts are text based, the new alerts should send html and graphs.


My issue turned out to be my spam filter interpreting the base64 encoded image as a uuencoded message, and then converting the uuencoded to ascii which resulted in all the + signs being replaced with + within the base64 encoded data.




<img src="


Replaced with


<img src="&#43;gvaeTAAAVVElEQVR4nO3dfYwcd33H8ff5IcEoDySxlfbsHFBaqqY0CubJAbuVaicYcENDG6Eq5JLS1n&#43;0qCX8QZRWopVoRaI8CIn&#43;cdgodWSfBFQqlWoh0TZpG1kqqQSNAk0ICRE6mqM1OBRCgkMcb//47WXW69m97&#43;7O7v125v2SVmPvzO1nP9mcZ347u/MDSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSZIkSaqDmbV&#43;ApIk1cy&#43;HvcfneizkCSpwc6l2CGX7pjXTe65jNfNN9&#43;898Ybb3znWj8PSZKATcCVwCngIuDFso1q8Xb0/v37X3ny5MnHWq3WqfXr1//yoUOHTq71c5IkNdbr2rf/Br4HbAe&#43;DTzevWEtRsInT578KDA3MzPzc6dPn751rZ&#43;PJKnRLgaOAY&#43;SdsJfomQHDDUYCc/Pz78eeIT03jvATz


Rather annoyed with my spam filter at the moment…..






From: observium [] On Behalf Of Daniel Rolfe
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2014 5:04 PM
To: Observium Network Observation System
Subject: Re: [Observium] Email alerts - supposed to have rrd images?




I'm not getting any html or rrd graphs in the email alerts, is there a setting to enable this ?


Regards, Daniel


On Sat, Feb 15, 2014 at 8:22 PM, Tom Laermans <> wrote:


The image is included in the html you posted. It's an inline image, not all e-mail clients (notably Outlook) support this format.


On 15/02/2014 06:48, Matt Ladewig wrote:

All -


When I receive an alert based on an alerting check, I get a box at the bottom of the alert that looks like images are supposed to be included, but they aren’t able to resolve. Checking the email’s html, there isn’t a url included with the listed images. The html is attached. Any insight would be appreciated –








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