I’m a noob and I apologize.
I’m having trouble determining if it’s the Alert Checkers I am setting up that is not sending me mail or if it’s the new mail settings.
I’ve just moved from the old alerts to the new ones.
A test goes as follows:
administrator@network-monitoring:/opt/observium$ ./test_mail.php -h apc-pdu-02.purafilter2000.com
Observium v0.14.10.5859
Test E-mail Configuration
My Hostname: network-monitoring.purafilter2000.com
E-mails ENABLED globally
E-mails use PHP-builtin MAIL backend
E-mails send from:
Try send test notification for apc-pdu-02.purafilter2000.com to these email(s):
Notification for apc-pdu-02.purafilter2000.com SENT.
I do have POSTFIX installed.
And below is an image of a few of my alerts I’ve been trying:
Assistance would be awesome. I want device down/up, ping, port utilization, some stuff for storage, etc. However, if someone could point me in the right direction on getting alerts from one checker I think I can noodle my way around the others.
Joshua Hopper, A+ CE
Network Administrator
420 3rd Ave NW Hickory NC 28601
Office: 828-449-1839x2160 | Cell: 828-855-7565