_______________________________________________Hey…THIS IS GREAT!!! But how does it…work? I added the custom oid the way your snapshot shows, but I am not discovering any devices….do I need to do something else…does this work on modern ASA’s?
From: Svensson Fredrik A via observium
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 10:55 AM
To: Observium
Cc: Svensson Fredrik A
Subject: [Observium] Custom OID , thresholds, VPN Users
Hello there!
In these times where you might want to now how many users are using VPN to your cisco-device the information is available through custom OID.
I hope someone else will find this useful, but my question is thresholds, can you set that up somewhere? Like 0-750, and is it possible to do an alert is we have a Value over 500?
Regards Fredrik
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