Hi All,
wondering if anyone has seen this issue,
I did an SVN update and getting this strange error?
root@observium:~# svn update /opt/observium && /opt/observium/discovery.php -u U /opt/observium/html/pages/device/ports.inc.php U /opt/observium/html/pages/slas.inc.php U /opt/observium/html/pages/health.inc.php U /opt/observium/html/includes/functions.inc.php A /opt/observium/includes/polling/os/compellent.inc.php U /opt/observium/includes/discovery/sensors.inc.php A /opt/observium/includes/discovery/sensors/compellent-mib.inc.php U /opt/observium/includes/discovery/sensors/idrac-mib-smiv2.inc.php A /opt/observium/includes/definitions/status.inc.php U /opt/observium/includes/definitions/sensors.inc.php U /opt/observium/includes/definitions/os.inc.php U /opt/observium/includes/common.inc.php G /opt/observium/includes/defaults.inc.php U /opt/observium/includes/definitions.inc.php U /opt/observium/includes/snmp.inc.php A /opt/observium/mibs/dell/COMPELLENT-MIB Updated to revision 6724. Observium Discovery
Currently installed revision : 6724 ( Latest revision available on observium.org : 6724
<div class="alert alert-danger"> <div>Failed INSERT into DB, see details in 'db (
<div class="alert alert-danger"> <div>Failed INSERT into DB, see details in 'db.log' inside log dir.</div> </div>)
Ive then checked the db.log file and I see this
[2015/07/14 21:21:58 +0100] alerter.php(19534): Failed dbQuery (#2006 - MySQL server has gone away), Query: SELECT * FROM `alert_assoc` [2015/07/14 21:21:58 +0100] alerter.php(19534): Failed dbQuery (#2006 - MySQL server has gone away), Query: SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `disabled` = 0 AND `device_id` = '9' ORDER BY `device_id` ASC [2015/07/14 21:22:04 +0100] poller.php(19518): Failed dbQuery (#2006 - MySQL server has gone away), Query: UPDATE `alert_table-state` set `state` ='{"metrics":{"device_status_type":"snmp","device_status":"0"},"failed":[{"value":"snmp","condition":"=","metric":"device_status_type"},{"value":"0","condition":"=","metric":"device_status"}]}',`count` ='1783',`alert_status` ='0',`last_message` ='Checks failed',`last_checked` ='1436905324' WHERE `alert_table_id` = '84' [2015/07/14 21:22:04 +0100] poller.php(19518): Failed dbQuery (#2006 - MySQL server has gone away), Query: UPDATE `alert_table-state` set `state` ='{"metrics":{"device_uptime":null}}',`count` ='0',`alert_status` ='1',`last_message` ='Checks OK',`last_checked` ='1436905324' WHERE `alert_table_id` = '85' [2015/07/14 21:22:04 +0100] poller.php(19518): Failed dbQuery (#2006 - MySQL server has gone away), Query: UPDATE `alert_table-state` set `state` ='{"metrics":{"device_status_type":"snmp","device_status":"0"},"failed":[{"value":"0","condition":"=","metric":"device_status"}]}',`count` ='0',`alert_status` ='1',`last_message` ='Checks OK',`last_checked` ='1436905324' WHERE `alert_table_id` = '126' [2015/07/14 21:22:04 +0100] poller.php(19518): Failed dbQuery (#2006 - MySQL server has gone away), Query: INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`,`doing`,`start`,`duration`,`devices`) VALUES ('poll','44','1436905318.1116','6.053','1') [2015/07/20 21:37:01 +0100] discovery.php(31122): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema' [2015/07/20 21:37:04 +0100] poller.php(31134): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema'; [2015/07/20 21:37:07 +0100] poller.php(31158): Failed dbQuery (#1146 - Table 'observium.observium_attribs' doesn't exist), Query: SELECT `attrib_value` FROM `observium_attribs` WHERE `attrib_type` = 'dbSchema’;
but when i check my MySQL DB i see the table observium_attribs exists and data is in there ?
any ideas how i clear this alert msg when i do the svn update?