ignore my last email adam, 

my bad, i checked the table `eventlog` and it already had the column severity in for some reason?

the other commands completed with loads and loads of updates…

however if i goto the EventLog now its still not showing any new information for last two days :(

am i just going to have to wait for something to happen for the DB to be updated?


On 3 Feb 2015, at 5:12 pm, Adam Armstrong <adama@memetic.org> wrote:

Seems you updated when there was a sql bug present. 

Run this against your database : 

ALTER TABLE `eventlog` ADD `severity` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '6' AFTER `entity_id`;
UPDATE `eventlog` SET `severity` = 4 WHERE `message` REGEXP '(above|under) threshold';
UPDATE `eventlog` SET `severity` = 5 WHERE `message` REGEXP ' [.(.]by (user|cron|console)';
UPDATE `eventlog` SET `severity` = 3 WHERE `message` LIKE 'Device status changed to%';
UPDATE `eventlog` SET `severity` = 4 WHERE `message` LIKE '%probably the device was replaced%';
UPDATE `eventlog` SET `severity` = 4 WHERE `message` LIKE 'OS changed%';
UPDATE `eventlog` SET `severity` = 4 WHERE `message` LIKE 'Device rebooted%';
UPDATE `eventlog` SET `severity` = 4 WHERE `entity_type` IN ('bgp_peer', 'sensor') AND `message` REGEXP ' (Up|Down|Alarm): ';

And it should fix it.


On 03/02/2015 22:52:58, Simon Smith <simonsmith5521@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi All

Ive had no Messages appear in my Event Logs panel for the past 2 days?

where would be the best place to start checking if ive got a code problem or maybe an SVN update has goofed it up?

Only reason I ask this is because we have had a few devices today go on and off alot and there are no entries in the Event Log Panel of them going off and on

but yet ive been getting the email alerts?



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