This is fiddly due to the way our poller runs as separated processes. You'd not be able to reliably suppress alerts this way, without also delaying them by up to 5 minutes.
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For example we have a testlab that has no UPS/Generator power that we monitor about 200 devices, when the building loses power we get those 200 alarms about devices being offline, when in reality there is a single 6500 as the gateway, and if that switch is offline, i know the rest will be.I've asked about this before but how hard would it be for you guys to implement alert dependencies?The easiest way I can think of doing it would be to simply let us set a "parent" device for anything, and if that device is offline don't send any alerts for downstream devices.We don't want to disable the offline alarms because we do want to know when individual devices drop out.Thanks!
Spencer Ryan | Senior Systems Administrator | sryan@arbor.netArbor Networks+1.734.794.5033 (d) | +1.734.846.2053 (m)
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