On 2013-06-03 18:47, Robert Williams wrote:
Just curious if anyone is currently using Observium to monitor any Cisco ASR9k based devices? I can see that it has correctly identified all the various hardware modules, line cards and temperature sensors etc. but isn't graphing things like temperatures or light levels like it does for our Cat6K workforce.
Since this is the first ASR device I've tried polling on Observium I'm not sure if it's just not fully supported or if we have some SNMP restrictions on the Cisco which are preventing it from getting what it needs.
Any feedback or other experiences are welcome!
Last time I checked there were issues with the CISCO-ENTITY-SENSORS-MIB code on ASR9K.
Seems it's not gotten better.
On Cisco kit all sensors sit in this one MIB, there's nowhere else they put them :)