Our network engineers have a question about how Observium handles
BGP sessions in multiple VRFs:
On IOSXR devices where we use mutliple
VRFs, we are unable to monitor BGP sessions outside of the
global routing table. In the global routing table only the bgp
sessions to the route reflectors are visible. We would like to
also be able to monitor bgp sessions in a different vrf. Going
through the documentation we have added the commands for IOSXR
to map a context to the vrf feature - but this does not appear
to be working for bgp. We can create snmp contexts and map them
to a different community to monitor those vrfs that we would
like to include. BUT it appears that in order to utilize them we
would have to add the host twice in observium. I tried doing
this with a dns alias but it doesn't like that because it finds
a conflicting snmp hostname. As a workaround we are monitoring
that context in librenms and it's working.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
Richard Kuhns <rjk@wintek.com>
Systems Administrator
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