
I think maybe that a "proxy" poller can be made with such idea, can be usefull like you said to get remote nodes poll faster espacialy when we have high latency nodes (I have some here behind a looosy ipsec vpn between france and hongkong)....


De: "Peter Childs" <pchilds@staff.iinet.net.au>
À: "Observium" <observium@observium.org>
Envoyé: Jeudi 24 Juillet 2014 04:33:51
Objet: [Observium] Interesting experiment with poll over SSH

We have a host about 320ms from our observium node (yes.. The other side of the planet).

Doing a full poll circa 650-700ms (including mac and bgp tables... Its a IOS-XR ASR9K ..).    Adjusting the Cr/max-reps did increase speeds, and caused several nasty snmpd explosions on the chassis.

As a exercise in interest I spun up a VM much closer to the host, unpacked /opt/observium/mibs etc and configured snmp on that remote host.

Then did this

root@obs1:/opt/observium# diff -c includes/snmp.inc.php.orig includes/snmp.inc.php
*** includes/snmp.inc.php.orig  2014-07-23 17:43:53.720274321 +0930
--- includes/snmp.inc.php       2014-07-23 17:56:23.092286235 +0930
*** 333,338 ****
--- 333,345 ----
    // Add the OID(s) to the strong
    $cmd .= " ".$oids;
+   if( $device['hostname'] == 'faraway.router.com' ){
+       $cmd = "ssh -i ~x/x.pem x@remote-poller-node -C " . escapeshellarg($cmd) ;

+   }

This was interesting, but the ssh establishment phase for each snmp execution was a lot of overhead.. So I also did this

root@obs1:/opt/observium# cat ~/.ssh/config

Host remote-poller-node
  # HostName machine1.example.org
  ControlPath ~/.ssh/controlmasters/%r@%h:%p
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPersist 10m

This means that a ssh 'master instance' was setup at the start of the poll, and hangs around in the background between executions of various snmpcmd's during the poll.

Full poll went from  650-700ms  -> ~170ms

Thought this might be of interest to some people.


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