I just wanted to say that Observium rocks. Having just completed 4 weeks of back-to-back network upgrades (replacing most of our core hardware across 4 different sites) we have found Observium invaluable as a means of identifying issues, immediately, for new hardware which has just been installed. As well as spotting BGP sessions with issues, ports with CRC errors, or light levels which are out of scope. Requiring the least information from us, for the most detailed output back to us in return, coupled with a summary of ‘what needs to be fixed’ in a single page.
Over the years we have been using it, we have watched it grow from a nice little auto-detecting utility, into an extremely powerful monitoring system. So, rather than posting a bug or feature request, I just thought I’d say thank you to the team who feed into this product. You have saved me from more than one unnecessary headache, in the last 4 weeks alone!
Cheers :)
Robert Williams Custodian Data Centre Email: Robert@CustodianDC.com http://www.CustodianDC.com