I've done my homework and found the previous messages about this subject, nevertheless I would like to express my opinion. I think the current solution (by giving the coordinates in square brackets at the end of the overridden location string) is acceptable, but in the long run the actual location (coordinates) and the user readable location should be kept separate. I mean normally the sysLocation should contain some human readable/understandable string about the location of the server, but the real location - for computer usage - is best given with a Lat/Lon coordinate pair. I think these shouldn't be mixed and only the human readable location should be displayed on the GUI.
Anyway, the documentation should be extended with these informations. Maybe the custom_rewrite_location function should be mentioned too, which is used by the code if it is defined in the config.php and could help people with special needs.
I'm a new user, so please spare me if I'm wrong. :)