Hi all,
I've read all the archives and am sure below is right, but on a recent BGP flap from one of our peers we didn't see the email (but got an SNMP Trap from our NMS anyway). Is this all correct or do we have to config *all* alerts and there are no defaults?
./test_mail.php -h xxx.uk.suretec.net Observium v0.14.11.5936 Test E-mail Configuration
My Hostname: xxx.suretec.net E-mails ENABLED globally E-mails use PHP-builtin MAIL backend E-mails send from: "Observium" observium@xxx.suretec.net Try send test notification for xxx.uk.suretec.net to these email(s): noc@suretec.net Notification for xxx.suretec.net SENT. root@xxx:/opt/observium# cat config.php <?php
## Have a look in includes/defaults.inc.php for examples of settings you can set here. DO NOT EDIT defaults.inc.php!
// Database config $config['db_host'] = "localhost"; $config['db_user'] = "xxx"; $config['db_pass'] = "xxx"; $config['db_name'] = "xxx";
// Location $config['install_dir'] = "/opt/observium";
// Thie should *only* be set if you want to *force* a particular hostname/port // It will prevent the web interface being usable form any other hostname #$config['base_url'] = "http://observium.company.com";
// Default community list to use when adding/discovering $config['snmp']['community'] = array("xxx");
// Authentication Model - move to LDAP once confirmed. $config['auth_mechanism'] = "mysql"; // default, other options: ldap, http-auth, please see documentation for config help
// Enable alerter // $config['poller-wrapper']['alerter'] = TRUE;
//$config['enable_syslog'] = "1";
## Enable email backend settings $config['email']['enable'] = TRUE;
// Needed on subscription product //$config['alerts']['email']['enable'] = FALSE;
$config['enable_billing'] = 1;
// End config.php