Whate you mean?
For example i've got Juniper MXes (which are supported for rancid backup).
They're backup as well and everything works fine.
I don't see any "config" tabs in observium even i configured it like it is suggested on observium.org.
Tomasz Karczewski
Administrator Sieci
http://www.man.olsztyn.pl http://www.uwm.edu.pl
tel. (89) 523 45 55 fax. (89) 523 43 47
Ośrodek Eksploatacji i Zarządzania
Miejską Siecią Komputerową OLMAN w Olsztynie
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
From: chott@praha1.net [mailto:chott@praha1.net] Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2015 9:00 AM To: Observium Network Observation System Subject: Re: [Observium] No rancid tab
Hi Tom,
you must have supported device for backup and define logins
I worked on it two weeks
Tomas Chott technický ředitel
chott@praha1.net Phone: +420 245 004 005 Mobile: +420 604 930 119
Metropolitní síť Praha 1 z.s.p.o. Jindrisska 18 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic www.praha1.net
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net _____
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Od: observium [observium-bounces@observium.org] za uživatele Tomasz Karczewski [tkarczewski@man.olsztyn.pl] Odesláno: 20. srpna 2015 8:09 Komu: 'Observium Network Observation System' Předmět: [Observium] No rancid tab
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net I want to integrate rancid with observium (http://www.observium.org/docs/rancid/)
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net but i can't see any tab in my observium.
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Could you help?
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Tomasz Karczewski
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Administrator Sieci
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net tkarczewski@man.olsztyn.pl
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net http://www.man.olsztyn.pl http://www.uwm.edu.pl
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net tel. (89) 523 45 55 fax. (89) 523 43 47
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Ośrodek Eksploatacji i Zarządzania
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Miejską Siecią Komputerową OLMAN w Olsztynie
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net From: Adam Armstrong [mailto:adama@memetic.org] Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 5:26 PM To: observium@observium.org Subject: Re: [Observium] Problem alert
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Hi Tomas,
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Put :
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net $config['alerts']['email']['graphs'] = FALSE;
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net In your config.php and try sending an alert mail.
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net adam.
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net On 19/08/2015 16:07:07, chott@praha1.net chott@praha1.net wrote:
http://www.facebook.com/praha1net Ok thank you
i will wait for email about this
Tomas Chott technický ředitel chott@praha1.net Phone: +420 245 004 005 Mobile: +420 604 930 119
Metropolitní síť Praha 1 z.s.p.o. Jindrisska 18 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic www.praha1.net
________________________________________ Od: observium [observium-bounces@observium.org] za uživatele Adam Armstrong [adama@memetic.org] Odesláno: 19. srpna 2015 10:35 Komu: Observium Network Observation System Předmět: Re: [Observium] Problem alert
It would seem that this is related to the graph being sent out with alert notifications. I don't think it's sent with the device down alert.
I'll add the ability to disable to graph and we can see if that's the cause.
Sent with AquaMail for Android http://www.aqua-mail.com
On 19 August 2015 09:20:12 "chott@praha1.net" wrote:
Hello team,
please can you help me?
My debuging, i set three email (different providers non Gmail) + Observium
Using Contact email from SNMP from Device
set Alert checker to:
Conditions: ifAdminStatus equals up ifOperStatus notequals up
Associations: Device: hostname match sw29.mgmt.domain.net
Entity: ifDescr match FastEthernet4/0/3
In GUI Observium working to recognize Allert, Messages OK or FAILED after disconnect port Alerted time for send email is time when port goes down
But no email receive with ALERT email
after connect port Alert status is OK, and we are receive email with
This is specific problem only for Alert port for this specific switch, i can try create new one for match this device and port and same problem
Alerting for device down like "device_status equals 0" working correctly!
please can you help me with debuging?
Tomas Chott technický ředitel chott@praha1.net Phone: +420 245 004 005 Mobile: +420 604 930 119
Metropolitní síť Praha 1 z.s.p.o. Jindrisska 18 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic www.praha1.net
Od: observium [observium-bounces@observium.org] za uživatele chott@praha1.net [chott@praha1.net] Odesláno: 18. srpna 2015 19:02 Komu: Observium Network Observation System Předmět: Re: [Observium] Problem alert
In this case, i have define
$config['email']['default'] = "MY MAIL";
Alerting like Device down working correctly to "Contact" email and to "Default" email = Probably working
in case when i set Alert to Port Down, and set specific Contact for alert,
we dont have email anywhere
Tomas Chott technický ředitel chott@praha1.net Phone: +420 245 004 005 Mobile: +420 604 930 119
Metropolitní síť Praha 1 z.s.p.o. Jindrisska 18 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic www.praha1.net
Od: observium [observium-bounces@observium.org] za uživatele Tom Laermans [tom.laermans@powersource.cx] Odesláno: 18. srpna 2015 17:51 Komu: Observium Network Observation System Předmět: Re: [Observium] Problem alert
Hi Emilio,
I was wondering if that was a difference (didn't have a mail on hand to check) - this might also be the reason google is flagging the alert mails, as we embed the image in base64 instead of as attachment.
On 2015-08-18 17:49, emilio brambilla wrote:
isn't it something like the bugs 989 I had last year?
in some configuration (like my old ubuntu 12.04 LTS) using smtp to a remote server observium is not able to send mail bigger than about 20K (alerts has PNG with the graph attached, while recover does not, so recover are smaller); forking a sendmail binary instead of the smtp as transport protocol to send out email from observium it works correctly.
unfortunately nobody (except me, and maybe you) was able to reproduce the problem :)
more info on http://jira.observium.org/browse/OBSERVIUM-989
PS why on recover we have no graph attached to the mail? it would be nice to see how the problem evolved and grows up before the recovery!
On 08/18/2015 05:39 PM, Tom Laermans wrote:
Hi Tomas,
I think we've received reports on the mailing list previously this year that Gmail is dropping the alert mails and only passing the recovery mails.
I don't recommend anyone to use gmail for serious stuff, as they'll just completely drop any mail they like and noone will ever know if it happened, or why.
On 2015-08-18 17:03, chott@praha1.net wrote:
Hello everybody,
i dont know where i have problem but, i have set Alert for down of One port in switch
everytime i receive only RECOVERY email
On the web Observium status is ALERT_NOTIFY, but i receive email only when status is RECOVER_NOTIFY
This problem i have for Port down, Alert is associated with two Contacts, one is Gmail second is some Domain.
Can i check some debug mode?
*Tomas Chott technický ředitel***
chott@praha1.net * *Phone:*+420 245 004 005 *Mobile:*+420 604 930 119***
*Metropolitní síť Praha 1 z.s.p.o.* Jindrisska 18 110 00 Praha 1 Czech Republic www.praha1.net
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