Alerts don't go into the event log, they go into the alert log.
The configuration entry is incorrect, it should read alert log.
adam. On 2019-01-22 02:50:10, Ming Wong, CLSA via observium observium@observium.org wrote: Hi team, I am running Observium Professional 18.10.9472. An alert check has been created for monitoring high CPU. The Default Notifier (email) works fine, but there is no alert message in the Observium event log. In Device Property -> Alert Settings, I have the option to choose “Disable alerts –Don’t send alert emails (but write to eventlog)”. When enabled and threshold is reached, there is no alert message in the event log either. How can event logging for alarms be enabled ? Thanks for advice. Ming The content of this communication is intended for the recipient and is subject to CLSA Legal and Regulatory Notices. These can be viewed at https://www.clsa.com/disclaimer.html [https://www.clsa.com/disclaimer.html] or sent to you upon request. Please consider before printing. CLSA is ISO14001 certified and committed to reducing its impact on the environment.