Hi All,

Those of you running trunk and updating regularly might have noticed some layout/style changes in the past day or two.

We've been running the old "shiny" style for about 3 years and thought it was about time we updated it, and have opted for a more "flat" design. Simplifying the stylistic elements has made it a bit easier for us to do certain things, since the old style was a little clumsy on things like horizontal boxes (check out the docs side bar for proof!).

We've also added a wide layout for screens of ~1920 pixels wide which we plan to move some data too. This can already been seen on the /device/ /devices/ and /ports/ page, where some data, graphs and search forms are moved to the left hand pane.

If anyone has any suggestions on what should/could go in that pane on various pages, now is the time to suggest it. Similarly any suggestions on the new styling should also be made now, before we move on to something else! :)
