Hi all
does anyone ever met the following timeout error message during the polling cycle ? Any idea on what's the impact and how to solve ?
Here following a section of the log file made by the output of: */5 * * * * root /opt/observium/poller-wrapper.py 5 >> /opt/observium/logs/poller-wrapper.log 2>&1
================================================== .... [2016/03/07 15:15:34 +0100] poller.php(29544): /opt/observium/poller.php: <hostname...> - 1 devices polled in 1.546 secs [2016/03/07 15:15:38 +0100] poller.php(29402): /opt/observium/poller.php: <hostname...> - 1 devices polled in 6.969 secs [2016/03/07 15:15:39 +0100] poller-wrapper.py(27564): /opt/observium/poller-wrapper.py: polled 25 devices in 37 seconds with 5 workers [2016/03/07 15:20:05 +0100] poller.php(29849): get_http_request() exit with timeout. Access to outside localnet is blocked by firewall or network problems. Check pr oxy settings. ... ... [2016/03/07 15:20:50 +0100] poller-wrapper.py(29826): /opt/observium/poller-wrapper.py: polled 25 devices in 47 seconds with 5 workers [2016/03/07 15:25:02 +0100] poller.php(816): get_http_request() exit with timeout. Access to outside localnet is blocked by firewall or network problems. Check proxy settings. ==================================================
The system is apparently collecting data but, being a new test/evaluation activation, I don't known if something is missing.
Thanks a lot, regards I.