Hello everyone,
I am totally new to Observium and has found the app is very useful. I installed Observium using the automated method, first on a VirtualBox to test out the features. So far everything has worked for me (yay.)
I am planning to install the app on the actual production server, running Ubuntu 18.04 server, latest updates and all
However, on the production server, we have already Freeradius which use mysql and phpMyAdmin to maintain the database. These are using the default port 80
I tried to find where I can change the default port at the installation but I could not find anything.
If I change the default port in the /etc/apache2/ports.conf (and subsequent in the virtualhost), would that change my Freeradius server default port as well?
My second question, is there a command line that I can use to reset the admin username/password? If we forget the admin password, how could we get back to the program?
So if anyone here has run both engine on the same server, please shred a light on this for me?
Thank you all you guys, and sorry if this question is a nob!