All future HP kit is comware. I.e. descended from h3c kit they bought.

Of course it all gets the pro curve brand even if they share nothing in common.

Tom Laermans <> wrote:


Yea, all HP Networking, maybe - but this was catching other HP devices too. What's the issue, they should be comware instead? Do we have a comware OS type? We have so many I have no clue... :-)

sysDescr matching could be enough.


On 19/03/2013 13:45, Paul Gear wrote:
Hi Tom,

A few Comware-based HP switches have been detected as ProCurve recently as well.  I think it's due to bone-headed changes by HP in the sysDescr string they're returning (because, contrary to your commit message, everything HP Networking must be ProCurve-branded :-).  If i grab some snmpwalk results, do you need any particular flags, or is just the content of the string enough?


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