I think I misunderstood what you were looking for, I read it as wanting persistent names, sorry.
I have it working on a Gentoo box, I think it would probably work on Centos with a few tweaks. Since it lets observium associate a name with the interface, in my experience means I don’t need to worry about the actual if index since groups could work on the names once I got it going. For me, it was Transit and Peering interfaces on a box acting as a router that I wanted to be identified.
I had more trouble with the engineID changing and causing rediscoveries, setting engineIDtype to 3 in snmpd.conf solved that for me. That was a long time ago, not sure it would even still be an issue.
And btw. I don't understand how that Alias support would solve the problem ? If Observium sticks to ifindex how additional description would help ?
Thanks, seems that addon is made only for Debian, if there anything working for Centos 7 ?
Thank you