On Thu, 2012-05-03 at 08:03 -0400, Adam Blackington wrote:
> For example... with the appropriate modifications for ip
> authentication... should the below generate an image (it does when im
> logged in, but throws a 500 error when im not, despite coming from the
> IP that is permitted)
> below is in config.php:
> $config['allow_unauth_graphs_cidr'] = array('IPADDR/32',
> 'NETADDR/24');
> On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 7:23 AM, Adam Blackington
> <
ablackington@lionlink.net> wrote:
> The FAQ's and Configuration state that I can display graphs
> without requiring a username or password.
> This is great... but... here's the question
> I've made the appropriate modifications to config.php,
> however, what URL do I use to get to the public graphs?
> I tried looking at the URL of generated images, however, that
> doesn't seem to be correct.
> So you can understand my goal:
> I run a colocation company and require my customers to be able
> to review their bandwidth statistics.
> I utilize WHMCS and would like them to be able to view their
> graphs within their portal, thus, I've added the IP address of
> my WHMCS server as an 'authenticated' IP in config.php
> I'm thinking, once I can understand how to display the graphs,
> that I can use the port id as a variable to develop a custom
> module to display the graphs.
> So my questions are:
> After permitting an IP address to be able to view graphs
> without username/password, what is the syntax of the URL for
> displaying these graphs?
> It would be awesome to be able to integrate a custom range
> selection, but I'd really just settle for static generation of
> past 24 hours, past month, and past year.