only 5min polling is supported. When you add more devices you will need more CPU and more disk I/O to be able to finish polling all devices within 5min.
There is however ways to tune the polling, check out this page: http://docs.observium.org/tuning/


2017-08-07 16:50 GMT+02:00 MICHEAU Julien <julien.micheau@spie.com>:



After the installation we have an issue with the rrdtool. In order to have a graph we must have a polling each 5 minutes, but that’s used a lot of cpu.

Is it possible to have a polling each 15 minutes and have all the graphs or not. And if it’s possible, how we can do this, we have searched but not find how do this.


Thank you for your help.


Cordialement/ Regards,



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