The billing collection code is pending a major rewrite, it's 6-7 years old and full of bugs and filth.

Best not to use it at the moment :)


On 18/09/2012 08:49, Matthias Cramer wrote:

I've noticed two things in the "Accurate" graphs in the Billing part:

1. Are Interface counter overflows or equipment reboot) probably not catched?
  - I see very high spikes (200 Gbps and more) on a 1G interface sometimes in sometimes out, but not at the same time.
    the quick graphs are ok

2. If I monitore more tha one interface for billing (Unfotunately one of the is down) the accurate graps are at leaset 1000 times to high...

Atached some graphs...

I runn lates svn (

Any ideas ?



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