When I first wrote the map in 2012 I initially started writing it in Leaflet with OSM, but switched to GM since it was easier.

Perhaps I should just finish what I started and do it in Leaflet! :D


On 08/09/2015 12:45:00, Matthias Cramer <matthias.cramer@iway.ch> wrote:

I would very welcome a switch to OSM.



On 08/09/15 12:28, Adam Armstrong wrote:
> It's funny that they accidentally use the URL of another site they've flagged in the link! :D
> I've not seen issues like this before, since our usage is pretty low-volume. It seems like it would be a pain for users to have to get a business license from Google just to see a
> vaguely useful map on the dashboard!
> Perhaps we should switch to OpenStreetMap?
> adam.
>> On 08/09/2015 08:18:53, Greg Lipschitz wrote:
>> Hi all
>> We've been contacted out of the blue by Google stating that we are breaching their licensing because of the maps used in Observium;
>> --- email from Google ---
>> Hi Greg,
>> I hope you've been having a great week so far.
>> My name is Belle, and I work for Google Maps team based in Sydney.
>> We have an internal compliance team that conducts regular checks for
>> domains registering Google Maps usage that potentially violates our Terms
>> of Service.
>> The domain xxxxxxx.summitinternet.com.au
>> has been flagged
>> because it does not appear to be a publicly available website.
>> Under our Terms of Service, Google Map API is not to be used behind
>> firewall or with fees without a Maps for Work license.
>> Such use case includes internal, OEM, and asset tracking implementations.
>> Please find more information here
>> .
>> We highly appreciate your support for our solutions and I thought I'd reach
>> out to you to understand a little more about how you are using Maps before
>> the compliance team starts blocking the usage from the domains.
>> It would be great if we could discuss in regards to this matter over the
>> phone or if you could direct me to the right person who looks after such
>> domains?
>> Please advise the best contact number and time for me to reach out, your
>> time is much appreciated.
>> Best regards,
>> --
>> Belle Wipada Swetkamol| *Google* Maps for Work
>> | bwipada@google.com | +61 2 9566
>> 6661
>> ----
>> Has anyone else experienced this???
>> Any way to get Observium to use another mapping source?
>> I figure it's going to be a suck it up and pay Google affair.
>> Thoughts?
>> Greg
>> *
>> Greg Lipschitz | Director | The Summit Group
>> *
>> E: Greg@thesummitgroup.com.au | W: www.thesummitgroup.com.au
>> The Summit Group (Australia) Pty Ltd | P: 1300 049 749| Level 1, 39 Railway Road, Blackburn VIC 3130
>> The Summit Group (USA) LLC | P: 321 216 3844 | Suite 1003, 364E Main Street, Middletown DE 19709
>> Postal: P.O. Box 3225, Doncaster East VIC 3109
>> Follow us on Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter /*
>> */
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Matthias Cramer / mc322-ripe Senior Network & Security Engineer
iway AG Phone +41 43 500 1111
Badenerstrasse 569 Fax +41 44 271 3535
CH-8048 Zürich http://www.iway.ch/
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