Hi Serghei,

It's probably easier for you to run the "rebuild alerts" function on the alerting navbar!

We probably need to signal to the rest of the code that something has been ignored, so that the rebuild needs to happen automatically. I'll add it to the list.


Sent from Mailbird

On 04/09/2015 10:45:23, Serghei Golipad <s.golipad@kelway.com> wrote:

Hi Guys,


We seem to be getting alerts for ignored ports. This seems to happen when port was ignored after an alert check has been created, to fix this we have to delete and re-create alert check each time port needs to be ignored. Any chance this can happen automatically?




Serghei Golipad - CCIE® #45033

Network Consultant @ Kelway UK

1 Cyrus Way, Cygnet Park Hampton, Peterborough, PE7 8HP 

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