Hi all,
just installed Observium CE on a CentOS 6.5 64bits in VMware Workstation 9 environment : no problem thanks to well done install procedure (http://www.observium.org/wiki/RHEL_Installation);
added manually network devices via following commands with no errors :
./add_device.php xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
./discovery.php -h all
./poller.php -h all

crontab updated as stated in install procedure ;
Everything seems OK during all these steps ;

When looking at the results via web interface, I can see all (CISCO here) devices with all their discovered characteristics (type/model, soft version, interfaces, % RAM, % CPU, thruput figures on interfaces, ...) but no graph is drawn at all (even after 4 hours) ;
by the way, the graphs legends are correclty, and the grids too, but no curve drawn;

when looking at /opt/observium/rrd directory, I can see a sub-dir created per each disvovered device and  inside each of them, 1 RRD file created for each collected variable ;
(each device RRD subdir is about 40MB after a while, RRD files inside are not empty)

Any idea to investigate more about those empty graphs ?

thanks for any help