Hi Jarno,
We don't yet allow manual setting of the ifAlias field, but it might not be that difficult to implement, should someone find time and motivation!
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On 28 August 2015 8:38:02 am Jarno Tensen Jarno.Tensen@A2SP.nl wrote:
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to override the ‘ifAlias’ setting? Just like the ‘sysLocation’? We have a lot of network devices which are not able to give a port description, what is very annoying cause we have to go physical to a switch to find out which device is behind the port. I know a lot of settings can be configured in config.php, does anyone know a configline to manual setup a portdescription (ifAlias)?
Many thanks in advance!
Regards, Jarno
Met vriendelijke groet, Kind regards,
Jarno Tensen Systeem- en Netwerkbeheerder
[cid:imagecff646.JPG@12e175e4.45946183] Savannahweg 8 3542 AW Utrecht T 030 - 261 91 96 F 030 - 261 69 77 E Jarno.Tensen@A2SP.nl W http://www.a2sp.nlhttp://www.a2sp.nl/ [cid:image7c3561.JPG@8d03535a.49a528e9]
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