17 Jun
17 Jun
2:36 a.m.
No comment on this?
Am Fr, 13.06.2014 um 08:23 schrieb "Klemer, Steffen" steffen.klemer@gwdg.de:
Hey everybody,
in nedi there is a nice feature where I can see all devices (and ports) with a specific vlan on a map. Is there any similar feature in observium which I just missed to find?
Would it be possible to extend the search on the ports-page to also specify VLANs? Would you accept external patches for stuff like this?
I also wrote a small extension for querying the number of active connections on a FWSM (and possibly ASA). Is there interest to get this upstream?
Steffen Klemer E-Mail: Steffen.Klemer@gwdg.de
Tel: +49 551 39 172361
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