These accounts are created on two databases, ours, and the payment processor’s. We have no ability to change email addresses or other details on the payment processor’s side for obvious reasons.


To get this changed you need to contact the payment processor at and ask them to change the email address on your subscription (the subscription id is the number at the end of your SVN username). Once they’ve changed it at their side, I can change it at our side.


Never create accounts on third party systems using person-specific email addresses J




From: observium <> On Behalf Of Graf Vincent via observium
Sent: 29 April 2020 12:39
Cc: Graf Vincent <>
Subject: [Observium] Need help to change email address on subscription account




I need some help to change some information on our subscription account.

I cannot find anything on site web page nor the possibilities to change that via


Any suggestion ?


Kind regards
