Ok an update on this (and hopefully almost a solution). I’ve found that the “Voltage” for the power supply reflects the number of inputs which are OK.


In true Cisco style, the key is:


110V = 1 Input OK

220V = 2 Inputs OK


As demonstrated on the graph:



So, when I remove one of the inputs, it drops to 110V. I’ve configured a threshold for this, but would have to do this per PSU per device (and remember to do it in the future).


I would like to get an automatic alert checker configured to do this. Now my only issue is that I can’t seem to get an alerting event to work for the Voltage type sensor class.


Even if I setup an alert of type ‘sensor’ and set it to “ sensor_descr match * ” then it matches everything that Observium sees _except_ Voltage sensors.



Is it actually possible to setup Alerts for Voltage sensor classes?



Robert Williams
Custodian Data Centre
Email: Robert@CustodianDC.com

From: observium [mailto:observium-bounces@observium.org] On Behalf Of Robert Williams
Sent: 10 February 2016 14:59
To: Observium Network Observation System (observium@observium.org) <observium@observium.org>
Subject: [Observium] Cisco 6500 PSU with 1xAC fault




Does anyone know if there is a way to detect a failed AC input on a 6500 PSU when the PSU has dual inputs?


I’ve just noticed that when one of the inputs is removed from each PSU there is no indication in Observium that anything is wrong at all.


At the CLI you can see the status changes to AC LOW. For example, below I have removed one of the AC inputs from power supply No.2


#show environment status

power-supply 1:

  power-supply 1 fan-fail: OK

  power-supply 1 power-input: AC high

  power-supply 1 power-output-mode: high

  power-supply 1 incompatible with fan: OK

  power-supply 1 power-output-fail: OK


power-supply 2:

  power-supply 2 fan-fail: OK

  power-supply 2 power-input: AC low

  power-supply 2 power-output-mode: low

  power-supply 2 incompatible with fan: OK

  power-supply 2 power-output-fail: OK



You also get a reduction in the ‘capacity’ of the PSU, as shown below:



#show power

                        Power-Capacity PS-Fan Output Oper

PS   Type               Watts   A @42V Status Status State

---- ------------------ ------- ------ ------ ------ -----

1    WS-CAC-6000W       5771.64 137.42 OK     OK     on

2    WS-CAC-6000W       2671.20 63.60  OK     OK     on



Nothing that I can see in Observium shows any of this information so there is nothing for me to Threshold on.


Anyone hit this already and come up with a way of doing it? Or is there an OID for the AC Low/High status which can perhaps be added for Observium to see?





Robert Williams

Custodian Data Centre

Email: Robert@CustodianDC.com
