Adam, On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 10:09 AM, Adam Armstrong <> wrote:apparently we are missing the script to detect pixos. have a go now. I'm not sure what will work, as i don't have a PIX to test. likely it will enable detection for the cisco mibs, but fetching of versions and the like will fail.Yes, that looks like it did the trick: Observium v0.12.4.2951 Discovery pix-fw 73 generic Device os was updated topixos!(cisco) Ports : .. Port Stack: Physical Inventory : Caching OIDs: entPhysicalEntry entAliasMappingIdentifier Processors : hrDevice CISCO-PROCESS-MIB : + Memory : OLD-CISCO-MEMORY-POOL: +CISCO-ENHANCED-MEMORY-POOL: IPv4 Addresses : .. IPv6 Addresses : Sensors: CISCO-ENTITY-SENSOR: Caching OIDs: entSensorType entSensorScale entSensorValue entSensorMeasuredEntity entSensorPrecision entSensorThresholdSeverity entSensorThresholdRelation entSensorThresholdValue ENTITY-SENSOR Caching OIDs: entPhySensorType entPhySensorScale entPhySensorPrecision entPhySensorValue Temperatures: Cisco Humidity : Voltages: Frequencies: Current: Power: Fanspeeds : Storage : hrDevice : Discovery protocols: CISCO-CDP-MIB: LLDP-MIB: Module [ arp-table ] disabled globally. Module [ junose-atm-vp ] disabled globally. BGP Sessions : No BGP on host VLANs: Q-BRIDGE-MIB VLANs : Cisco VLANs : Module [ cisco-mac-accounting ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-pw ] disabled globally. Module [ cisco-vrf ] disabled globally. Module [ toner ] disabled globally. UCD Disk IO : Discovered in 7.978 seconds MySQL: Cell[1/0s] Row[2/0s] Rows[7/0.01s] Column[0/0s] Update[2/0.01s] Insert[3/0s] Delete[0/0s] Observium Poller v0.12.4.2951 Starting polling run: pix-fw 73 pixos (cisco) Using Agent Uptime (291:23:46:31.00) Uptime: 291 days, 23h 46m 31s Cisco PIX Firewall Version 6.3(5) Hardware: ciscoPIXFirewall501 Version: Features: Processor Processor 1... 53% Mempool PIX system memory: 83.73% Polling Netstats: IP TCP UDP ICMP SNMP HR Stats: Polling IP-MIB ipSystemStats Caching Oids: ifEntry ifXEntry dot3StatsDuplexStatus Port PIX Firewall 'outside' interface(1) VLAN == bits(1.79Mbps/1.76Mbps)pkts(878pps/863pps) Port PIX Firewall 'inside' interface(2) VLAN == bits(1.75Mbps/1.77Mbps)pkts(857pps/872pps) Polling BGP peers Wireless: OSPF: Processes: Areas: Ports: Neighbours: Cisco CEF Switching Path: Caching OIDs: entPhysicalDescr entPhysicalName entPhysicalModelName Cisco MAC - Caching OID: cipMacHCSwitchedBytes cipMacHCSwitchedPkts Entity Physical: Module [ unix-agent ] disabled globally. Polled in 1.732 seconds UPDATED! MySQL: Cell[0/0s] Row[4/0s] Rows[25/0.01s] Column[0/0s] Update[5/0s] Insert[2/0s] Delete[0/0s] Thanks much! Chris
Zafar Pravaiz
Senior Systems Engineer
Information Technology Department
Tel +971 6 515 2164
Fax +971 6
515 2112
University of Sharjah
PO Box 26666, Sharjah
United Arab Emirates