So more Googling after I figured it was a software problem on the NMS side… well, how about nope.
Found this page:
“There's no elegant solution here unfortunately. Reloading the switch will clear it from the running config, but that is typically not an option most folks have.
Also, the the global configuration module clear-config command can be used to clear configs for modules not being replaced, however there are two caveats.
- The command needs to be entered prior to removing the module
- Also, if you leave the command configured, you will lose configs for any modules you replace, such as in the event of a hardware failure when you'd want to retain the configuration for the module. Therefore it's recommended to enter the command prior to removing a module that won't be replaced, and then disabling it using no module clear-config.
If you've already removed the module, hopefully it's possible to temporarily re-insert it to perform the above steps.”
So I’ll try that, then force the discovery/poller scripts on the chassis again, and then hopefully that will mark the ports as deleted in Observium.
From: observium [] On Behalf Of Ron Marosko Sent: Friday, January 01, 2016 10:46 AM To: Subject: [Observium] How long until removed ports are deleted?
Happy New Year, all ya’ll Observium folks.
So while everyone else is on holiday, I’m getting to do work. And this brought up an interesting question.
I’m mostly removing old/unutilized 10/100/1000 line cards from a Catalyst 6509 today, and in a couple cases installing 10Gb linecards.
Right now, I’ve already pulled three linecards from one chassis, and decided to force some discovery/polling of the chassis to see if the old ports will go away… and they haven’t. Doing a “show modules” on the switch confirms the line cards have been removed, but in the device port properties page, Observium still considers them “disabled / down”.
Manually running the housekeeping script with the –p option says there are no ports to delete, even when I have manually gone into config.php and set the time duration to be really short (like 1*1 instead of 30*86400).
Which brings me to the question… how long does it take for Observium to consider a port or ports “deleted” after it has been removed from the chassis?
Ron Marosko, Jr.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CCIE No. 4526 (R/S), NN5DX
Consulting Network Architect, ATS/Wireless
Global Technology Resources,Inc.
1108 West Dickinson Blvd, Suite A
Fort Stockton, TX 79735 USA
o: +1 432 336 5600 x110
c: +1 432 290 6344
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