Is there a log file in Observium for me to troubleshoot when I log in via LDAP? I want to verify the LDAP details I’ve keyed in my config.php is correct as
I am still unable to log in via LDAP as per Tony’s advice on LDAPS. Please advise if I am missing out any additional steps / packages required to as I am still relatively new to configuring LDAP / LDAPS for Observium.
Attached are some information I configured so far:
- Config.php
- /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
- Certificate Information (Configured via Windows LDAP Server)
- Already configured LDAPS on Windows LDAP Server (If require more screenshots to show what settings I’ve configured, I can provide)
- Made changes to /opt/observium/config.php accordingly as shown in 1st screenshot
- Made changes to /etc/ldap/ldap.conf accordingly as shown in 2nd screenshot
- Did ldapquery sucessfully before configuring LDAPS to ensure Ubuntu host can query to Windows LDAP server.
Best Regards
Valerie Lim