A MIB is not magic. It's only a description or list  of possible to find data that may or may not even be available for a given device. MIB files only exist to describe the format of data and translate into the OID used by SNMP over the wire.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2019 at 15:08 Ryan Huff via observium <observium@observium.org> wrote:
I see OBS has a Cisco NTP MIB.. when I add Cisco devices (like a router for example), that is also running NTP services (ntp server... etc), I don’t see where OBS is showing the information for the device.

When I look at the MIBs under device properties, it doesn’t appear to be there, though the MIB is in the /opt/Observium/mib/cisco folder....

Anyone know if there is anything special you have to do to get these MIBs working?



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